Monday 20 May 2013

Which organ do you LOVE the most?

Which organ do you love the most?

Is it your heart?
Your brains?
My brains?!

oh wait...hehe...
Your liver?

How about your skin...
Forgot about that one, didn't you?
Me too actually,

And for years I claimed that my skin didn't burn
unless I used sunscreen.
Now I claim; It didn't burn, blister, and peel until I began to use sunscreen.

Don't go thinking I am the
fake n'bake,
lube up, sit on the beach, and tan
kind of girl.
I like MY skin soft and porcelain.
(despite all of my rink rash scars from roller derby).
I'm just not a sunscreen fan.

I'm a play in the water/sun
and get into the shade and cool off kind of girl.

you might be joining me in the shade soon.

As I had suspected since my first 'sunburn'
(sun lotion burn more like it)
There are some suspicious chemicals
hanging around in these products 
that are supposed to 
protect you.

Think about it
Share your opinion this time!
I feel like I am talking to myself...
like everyone else on the internet...

H.M.K.(did not escape the technology web this week......uh-oh.....)

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