Saturday 18 May 2013

Hurt To Heal

Weather forecast dampening your plans? Stay Dry and show some support tonight, while we attempt to kick cancer's ass!!!

Bouncy castles, auctions and lots of action for only $5!

Every so often
(too often really)
Something bad happens to a derby girl
or someone in their family.
Which means they are too, part of the derby family!
So we do what we do best....
We pull together from all over the country,
or in this case,
Ours(B.C. Canada) and the neighboring(U.S.A.) country...
And bout our hearts out,
To raise some funds for someone in need!

With the help of local businesses and artists donating awesome and unique prizes,
This is an inexpensive night out you can't afford to miss!

Haren MahKeester
Team Green-Cancer Kickers

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