Thursday 16 May 2013

From Nothing For Nothing Rule #2


My last From Nothing For Nothing post was about 
in purchasing new clothes and finding the fun in relieving your friends of their wardrobe clutter.

Rule #2

Show some love, be enthusiastic!
Even if it doesn't fit, isn't your ‘style’ 
or whatever.

Someone you know gave it to you. 
Act like they bought it for you!

Essentially they did,
 a while ago,
got some use out of it,
and now they have given it to you!

The best part is when they see you wearing it,
In it’s original form or modified,
they will be proud and so should you!

If a generous friend gives you a bag of treasure and mentions a certain item that they held dear, 
but has a tear, 
doesn't fit the same or 
has any other reason for parting with it 
(other than weird painful memories)
Try something fun with it and re-gift it back to them! 

Here are a few ideas for that 'vintage' t-shirt collection you may have inherited from a friend:

Re-purpose it! 
Frame it!
Make it into a pillow case, wall art, oat bag! 
Anything somewhat simple and personal without costing more than you would spend at the thrift shop for said item. 

Maybe try a prototype with a similar item if you can, 
but even if you don’t, 
it was free for you, and your friend wasn't expecting anything out of it anyway!

And even if you aren't crafty 
(all it takes is practice) 
Just keep them in mind while mingling with the lost souls of the thrift shop and something will pop up that fits the bill perfectly.

But really....
All you have to do is be ecstatic that you have received so much for so little from someone so generous!

And maybe wear that something you didn't really like
 (but have styled to look good of course),
when you know they'll see it, 
and express your gratitude with a nice big hug!

Gratitude, without it, you've got nothing!


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