Wednesday 15 May 2013

Unplug from the World for a Weekend

When was the last time you weren't within reach of a WiFi connection?
And no,
Not, "Well just yesterday I couldn't get the password for the free WiFi at ____  to work"
When was the last time some one that didn't know where you were going could reach you without a search party?
And no,
Not one of those people that goes out of park boundaries for whatever reason and gets lost and can't call for help.
And no,
Not, "I forgot my phone at ____ and no one could reach me"
"I didn't charge my phone so it died on me."

When did you purposely put yourself out of reach of all things wired?

Purposely and physically removed yourself
from the ever expanding web of 
poor communication 
that seems to cling to you like a spider web;
Even once you think you've disconnected from that last sticky strand, 
you can still feel it trailing off of you 
in hopes that you'll hang around 
so it can suck off of you a little more....

Yes I feel more creeped out by technology than spiders...
Never mind politicians

I manage to make an escape and unplug as often as possible, 
even if it's just for part of a day.
Getting out into nature without so much as a watch ticking in your ear is the most relaxing feeling in the world.

Some girls have spa days...
I have nature get-aways with my honey-bear-man!
(I'll be on dish duty for that pet name hehe)

Getting far away and cooking over a fire, 
no one expecting me to be clean or have makeup on,
Ahhhhhhhh, back to basics,
L-O-V-E  IT!!

Oh and for those of you who do like the spa treatment....
Halfway River Hot Springs

Befriend the right people and you can find a little bit of luxury lost deep in the woods.

Carry out what you carry in
Do your part to keep it pristine,
and if you couldn't find it, 
it simply wasn't meant to be found this time.
Half of the adventure is getting there!


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