Monday 6 May 2013

The Lifestyle D.I.E.T. Challenge

A lot of people find it "hard" to pack a lunch.
Even harder to pack a healthy lunch!
Wouldn't you just rather grab a burger for lunch?
Or a pizza?
Maybe just a bag of chips?
Go for it!
If you want to ruin your


The worst 4-letter word know to man kind!

The way you eat should be a part of your lifestyle,

Not just something you do to punish your body, 
forcing it to eat your muscles in an attempt to shed weight.
It has to be a permanent change if you want permanent results!

Not too long ago I ate mostly meat and frozen, prepackaged foods.

Despite this, I ate relatively healthy
 I despise fast food even though I SUCK at cooking
Okay, well not really...
But my lover man is way better at it than me...
and I prefer to cook for US rather than just me.

So when I DO have to cook for myself
I still avoid it
By eating more raw food!
(and easy to cook stuff like Quinoa and eggs)

So it starts with a trip to the produce aisle...
and if you're like me and don't really like all that many veggies....
accessorize with a trip to the bulk food aisle!

And don't go crazy, it takes less veggies to make a salad than you think!

I like to cut up extra veggies while making my dinner.
A little extra work chopping can set you up for
a super easy breakfast/lunch for a couple of days!
Some pre-cut spinach/peppers/onion
to throw in with a couple of eggs in the morning
makes an awesome fast and filling breakfast

I challenge you to have one meat free day a week!
You'll save money
and if nothing else
appreciate meat more!


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