Saturday 18 May 2013

No New Clothes!

I have found another very interesting blog on up cycling clothes called New Dress a Day

"No new clothes:
When Marisa Lynch lost her job last year, she went looking for a project and found it: 365 days. 365 pieces of clothing. $365. She started her blog, New Dress A Day, and began transforming frightening thrift-store finds into envy-worthy fashions for just a dollar a day.
For the entire year Lynch didn’t do any traditional clothes shopping, which means none of her items contributed to the loss of energy or raw materials required to produce new garments. Although her 365-day project is over, Lynch is still giving second life to old muumuus and prom dresses, and this year she’s accepting donations from her readers and making over their worse fashion finds.
Lynch recently even appeared on "E!" where stars from the Oscar-winning film “The Fighter” modeled gowns that she had created from old bridesmaid dresses..."

Sounds like an awesome project, and something I might take a spin on once I am done school!
 I try to buy as much used clothing as possible but, 
the garments still started out new. 
Which means the items did contribute to the loss of energy or raw materials required to produce new garments at 
one point in time, 
unless they were hand woven and sewn....
Which is how it all use to be done,
Imagine that!


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