Monday 27 May 2013

Show Your Wild Side!

Not your "Girls Gone Wild" side!!

I mean your wild warrior side,
The part of you that

Do you even have a pulse left,
inside of that zombie-like husk of a body
that manages to make it through your daily routine?

Well I have a pulse!
And I've found someone else that does too!
And my favorite attitude mentor,
(and delicious tushy mentor...)
posted an article on the wild world of Facebook
that should help us all find a pulse once again.

A beautifully written article:

"Don’t we all instinctively crave more?"

Dance in the Dirt,
Strange looks don't hurt!


Monday 20 May 2013

Which organ do you LOVE the most?

Which organ do you love the most?

Is it your heart?
Your brains?
My brains?!

oh wait...hehe...
Your liver?

How about your skin...
Forgot about that one, didn't you?
Me too actually,

And for years I claimed that my skin didn't burn
unless I used sunscreen.
Now I claim; It didn't burn, blister, and peel until I began to use sunscreen.

Don't go thinking I am the
fake n'bake,
lube up, sit on the beach, and tan
kind of girl.
I like MY skin soft and porcelain.
(despite all of my rink rash scars from roller derby).
I'm just not a sunscreen fan.

I'm a play in the water/sun
and get into the shade and cool off kind of girl.

you might be joining me in the shade soon.

As I had suspected since my first 'sunburn'
(sun lotion burn more like it)
There are some suspicious chemicals
hanging around in these products 
that are supposed to 
protect you.

Think about it
Share your opinion this time!
I feel like I am talking to myself...
like everyone else on the internet...

H.M.K.(did not escape the technology web this week......uh-oh.....)

Sex Sells!

It takes a lot of work to make an effective advertisement.
Unfortunately it doesn't always give the best message
while selling the product.
Here is a video with some surprising statistics about
Canadian women:

At about the 2:50 mark it gets pretty funny,
I feel like something was lost without the 
use of the male equivalent of the
female models used in the real ads.

Put yourself in some one else's shoes,
or hot pants,
It's up to you!


A Jarring Salad!

How often do you buy a lunch?
What ingredients go into that lunch?
You don't know, do you?
I don't blame you, you didn't make it,
So how should you know?

By making it yourself of course!
Did you really think I would suggest anything different?

I've made it easy for you,
All you have to do go to the grocery store
Go to the most colourful part of the store.

Stay out of the damn junk food aisle!!!
And away from the deli/bakery....

Got a jar? Go get it!

Put your Full Fat dressing or oil on the bottom.
I like using either Walnut oil alone, 
or mixing it, like I did here:

Gather your supplies!
I have enough food here to make: 
A delicious dinner salad, 
A salad jar lunch, 
Breakfast fixin's, and...
A veggies n' dip snack!

I am building everything backwards, for the purpose of the jar salad. 
So start with the heavier foods such as tomato, apple, cucumber, cauliflower; Anything cubed or diced.

Clockwise from the jar; Lunch, dinner, breakfast, and a snack
being prepped for the rest of the week
While you're at it, chop up a little extra to put aside for other meals throughout the week.

Next, I like to add the smaller toppings.

 Cubed avocado, nuts (walnuts, slivered almonds), seeds (hemp hearts, chia, sunflower, sesame) and dried fruit.

Then you can throw in more proteins in the form of 
pre-cooked, then cooled lentils, red/white quinoa, beans, chicken, hard boiled egg....

Green lentils, red quinoa, pinto beans, quinoa.
I also like to add grated carrots or beets.

Caution: The beets will stain your clothes/fingers/food pink!

Top it all off with a handful of spinach and some lettuce, 
and you're done!! 

4 meals ready to go! Clockwise from Jar: Lunch for school,
mid-day snack, dinner salad w'chicken topping,
and breakfast, just add eggs and cook!

I always go overboard and try to put too much in my jar,
run out of room for leafy greens...

Over-stuffed jar salad.
Practice makes perfect,
and it still tastes great...

Just don't forget a fork,
the plastic ones from the cafe
are short,
and dull,
and weak,
and plastic.


Saturday 18 May 2013

No New Clothes!

I have found another very interesting blog on up cycling clothes called New Dress a Day

"No new clothes:
When Marisa Lynch lost her job last year, she went looking for a project and found it: 365 days. 365 pieces of clothing. $365. She started her blog, New Dress A Day, and began transforming frightening thrift-store finds into envy-worthy fashions for just a dollar a day.
For the entire year Lynch didn’t do any traditional clothes shopping, which means none of her items contributed to the loss of energy or raw materials required to produce new garments. Although her 365-day project is over, Lynch is still giving second life to old muumuus and prom dresses, and this year she’s accepting donations from her readers and making over their worse fashion finds.
Lynch recently even appeared on "E!" where stars from the Oscar-winning film “The Fighter” modeled gowns that she had created from old bridesmaid dresses..."

Sounds like an awesome project, and something I might take a spin on once I am done school!
 I try to buy as much used clothing as possible but, 
the garments still started out new. 
Which means the items did contribute to the loss of energy or raw materials required to produce new garments at 
one point in time, 
unless they were hand woven and sewn....
Which is how it all use to be done,
Imagine that!


Hurt To Heal

Weather forecast dampening your plans? Stay Dry and show some support tonight, while we attempt to kick cancer's ass!!!

Bouncy castles, auctions and lots of action for only $5!

Every so often
(too often really)
Something bad happens to a derby girl
or someone in their family.
Which means they are too, part of the derby family!
So we do what we do best....
We pull together from all over the country,
or in this case,
Ours(B.C. Canada) and the neighboring(U.S.A.) country...
And bout our hearts out,
To raise some funds for someone in need!

With the help of local businesses and artists donating awesome and unique prizes,
This is an inexpensive night out you can't afford to miss!

Haren MahKeester
Team Green-Cancer Kickers

Thursday 16 May 2013

Should you eat that Bacon?

A little re-assurance if my last post left you doubting bacon:

Become a True Warrior!


Banned Bacon!


So I think most "healthy eaters" knew that processed meats weren't too good for you...
Anything that was once living, 
now dead, 
and still doesn't go rotten for a very long time doesn't really sound healthy does it?

Apparently Sodium Nitrate is responsible!
(Sodium-related products are bad Mmm...Kay?)

It is used to keep packaged meats bright red and 
Here is the article that goes on to explain it by the 

The gist of it is this:
Chicken, fish and fresh meat: Good
Most of what you are accustom to purchasing at the grocery store: BAD
"Note that these cancer risks do not come from eating fresh, non-processed meats. "
According to this article:
"Sodium nitrite appears predominantly in red meat products (you won’t find it in chicken or fish products). 
Here’s a short list of food items to check carefully for sodium nitrite and monosodium glutamate (MSG), another dangerous additive: 
  • Beef jerky
  • Bacon
  • Sausage
  • Hot dogs
  • Sandwich meat
  • Frozen pizza with meat
  • Canned soups with meat
  • Frozen meals with meat
  • Ravioli and meat pasta foods
  • Kid’s meals containing red meat
  • Sandwich meat used at popular restaurants 
  • Nearly all red meats sold at public schools, restaurants, hospitals, hotels and theme parks
The USDA, for example, tried to ban sodium nitrite in the late 1970′s but was overridden by the meat industry. It insisted the chemical was safe and accused the USDA of trying to “ban bacon.”"
Well I don't know about you, but I love bacon 
(and I think a lot of you do too)

And since I've hopped on the Fresh Food bandwagon, 
I feel better knowing that I don't eat much else from that list.

So I am keeping the Bacon!!

The best solution I can come up with?
Befriend a local farmer
someone with acreage
and share some farm animals.
At least you'll know what is going into your meat.

Where did your dinner originate?
Now excuse me while I go hunt down breakfast...


From Nothing For Nothing Rule #2


My last From Nothing For Nothing post was about 
in purchasing new clothes and finding the fun in relieving your friends of their wardrobe clutter.

Rule #2

Show some love, be enthusiastic!
Even if it doesn't fit, isn't your ‘style’ 
or whatever.

Someone you know gave it to you. 
Act like they bought it for you!

Essentially they did,
 a while ago,
got some use out of it,
and now they have given it to you!

The best part is when they see you wearing it,
In it’s original form or modified,
they will be proud and so should you!

If a generous friend gives you a bag of treasure and mentions a certain item that they held dear, 
but has a tear, 
doesn't fit the same or 
has any other reason for parting with it 
(other than weird painful memories)
Try something fun with it and re-gift it back to them! 

Here are a few ideas for that 'vintage' t-shirt collection you may have inherited from a friend:

Re-purpose it! 
Frame it!
Make it into a pillow case, wall art, oat bag! 
Anything somewhat simple and personal without costing more than you would spend at the thrift shop for said item. 

Maybe try a prototype with a similar item if you can, 
but even if you don’t, 
it was free for you, and your friend wasn't expecting anything out of it anyway!

And even if you aren't crafty 
(all it takes is practice) 
Just keep them in mind while mingling with the lost souls of the thrift shop and something will pop up that fits the bill perfectly.

But really....
All you have to do is be ecstatic that you have received so much for so little from someone so generous!

And maybe wear that something you didn't really like
 (but have styled to look good of course),
when you know they'll see it, 
and express your gratitude with a nice big hug!

Gratitude, without it, you've got nothing!


Wednesday 15 May 2013

Unplug from the World for a Weekend

When was the last time you weren't within reach of a WiFi connection?
And no,
Not, "Well just yesterday I couldn't get the password for the free WiFi at ____  to work"
When was the last time some one that didn't know where you were going could reach you without a search party?
And no,
Not one of those people that goes out of park boundaries for whatever reason and gets lost and can't call for help.
And no,
Not, "I forgot my phone at ____ and no one could reach me"
"I didn't charge my phone so it died on me."

When did you purposely put yourself out of reach of all things wired?

Purposely and physically removed yourself
from the ever expanding web of 
poor communication 
that seems to cling to you like a spider web;
Even once you think you've disconnected from that last sticky strand, 
you can still feel it trailing off of you 
in hopes that you'll hang around 
so it can suck off of you a little more....

Yes I feel more creeped out by technology than spiders...
Never mind politicians

I manage to make an escape and unplug as often as possible, 
even if it's just for part of a day.
Getting out into nature without so much as a watch ticking in your ear is the most relaxing feeling in the world.

Some girls have spa days...
I have nature get-aways with my honey-bear-man!
(I'll be on dish duty for that pet name hehe)

Getting far away and cooking over a fire, 
no one expecting me to be clean or have makeup on,
Ahhhhhhhh, back to basics,
L-O-V-E  IT!!

Oh and for those of you who do like the spa treatment....
Halfway River Hot Springs

Befriend the right people and you can find a little bit of luxury lost deep in the woods.

Carry out what you carry in
Do your part to keep it pristine,
and if you couldn't find it, 
it simply wasn't meant to be found this time.
Half of the adventure is getting there!


Monday 6 May 2013

The Lifestyle D.I.E.T. Challenge

A lot of people find it "hard" to pack a lunch.
Even harder to pack a healthy lunch!
Wouldn't you just rather grab a burger for lunch?
Or a pizza?
Maybe just a bag of chips?
Go for it!
If you want to ruin your


The worst 4-letter word know to man kind!

The way you eat should be a part of your lifestyle,

Not just something you do to punish your body, 
forcing it to eat your muscles in an attempt to shed weight.
It has to be a permanent change if you want permanent results!

Not too long ago I ate mostly meat and frozen, prepackaged foods.

Despite this, I ate relatively healthy
 I despise fast food even though I SUCK at cooking
Okay, well not really...
But my lover man is way better at it than me...
and I prefer to cook for US rather than just me.

So when I DO have to cook for myself
I still avoid it
By eating more raw food!
(and easy to cook stuff like Quinoa and eggs)

So it starts with a trip to the produce aisle...
and if you're like me and don't really like all that many veggies....
accessorize with a trip to the bulk food aisle!

And don't go crazy, it takes less veggies to make a salad than you think!

I like to cut up extra veggies while making my dinner.
A little extra work chopping can set you up for
a super easy breakfast/lunch for a couple of days!
Some pre-cut spinach/peppers/onion
to throw in with a couple of eggs in the morning
makes an awesome fast and filling breakfast

I challenge you to have one meat free day a week!
You'll save money
and if nothing else
appreciate meat more!


Thursday 2 May 2013

Building Your Wardrobe From Nothing for Nothing!

How can you build your wardrobe,
From nothing
For nothing?

In my previous post you found out 
I've had the 'opportunity' to build my wardrobe
from nothing
for nothing.

I now have a bigger wardrobe than ever before!
So I'm going to share with all of you
a few 'Rules' I have devised to help you find affordable
or free

Rule #1
Ditch the Pride

Put out the word that you take any/all
gently used clothing!

Some people turn up their nose at used clothes
or don't want to take 'handouts'
or don't want to be seen as not being able to afford new clothes...
Screw that!

If your 'friends' are only your friends due to an expensive shopping addiction
you may want to get counselling!

A lot of your friends will be grateful to hand over their previously loved clothes to someone they know,
and when they see you in something of theirs,
modified or not,
they will be 

Rule #2
(Coming soon)