Monday 29 April 2013

Nothing ever lasts Forever.

I bet you've been building your wardrobe for a while.
So had I.

About 22 years.
(I will 25 this year)
Okay, so I only really fit into half of it.
Yes half of my life's clothes I still wore...
(I went through a baggy stage early on and a tight stage later on)

Long story short...
We had a house fire, not everything was destroyed.
And then the insurance company had a 'miss communication'
and what was salvageable was hastily thrown out.
(Non of our bedrooms even had a lick of flame come within 10 feet) 
And yes I am still pissed off about it.

Lesson Learned:
Question Everything you are told and never leave it in someone else's hands if you don't know them.
(and don't trust the insurance company - hire a lawyer, your policy should cover it)

Well let me tell you, word travels fast in the Roller Derby community and within a day I had more (good) shit than I had places to put it (obviously).

It was overwhelming, and I didn't like accepting all of these things from friends and strangers.
It felt weird and I wanted

They were not my clothes, it was not my style.
I wanted to go buy everything back, 
but none of it was there to buy, 
and prices don't depreciate in the real world only in insurance land.

Fast forward about 3 years and my closet is more jam packed with awesome, unique and un-purchasable
clothing than ever before!

I love it all, 
and wouldn't hesitate to cut up, re-gift or share
any of it.
(Excluding my school projects, fabric ain't cheap)

I think I maybe own 6 things
 (not including socks and undies)
that I have bought brand new

And the money I would have spent on clothes?
Has kept me in school for the last 2 years.
And is building a better home for my folks and us!

The point of sharing that story?
Well I could give you a list morals,
and motivational, Buddhist-esque quotes
about not valuing 

But I won't.

Instead I am going to give you some freedom!
Freedom to spend money on other things
(hopefully fun experiences)
and most importantly
Freedom from the mall!
(Yes I am a fashion student that hates the mall)

Stay tuned!
Love what has been given to you
even if you didn't want it
(Kind of like that stray cat you took home)

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