Monday 29 April 2013

We're not saving water, and the grass is less green.

I am intrigued by this Learnvest website at the moment…
How do these things slip by one’s eye while prowling the World Wide Web?  
So many awesome ideas for re purposing
and saving 
and clothing
and re purposing for saving for clothing…….

( I wear green everyday, Thank you very much).
Since 2009 less people are taking environmental action.

I guess the 
being your own superhero and slowly saving the world one less car ride at a time thing 
is wearing off a little bit.
I'm certainly not the golden girl of green
(but that has a nice ring to it...)
but I rode my bike to school all this week
because it was nice out.

So let's have a reason to be more Green!
Such as Saving Money!

Get outside more.
Look at a plant up close
and imagine the tiny molecules.
You're made of those too!

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