Monday 29 April 2013

Confidently Unhealthy

Wow I am on a bit of a self-esteem kick this week! 

Very shortly 
(literally minutes) 
after writing the Dove Beauty Sketches post I made, I see another article bashing Dove and their underlying negative connotations and racism.
(Thank you Jazzy Little Drops for feeding my fire today)

Complaining about the 
" implied positive descriptors used by others" 
Such as

Dove could have had a better variety of people in their video campaign 
(United Colours of Benetton puts Dove to shame and uses “Beautiful” people) 
but, perhaps those people simply did not want to talk to the camera or didn't have an appealing, tear jerking story to tell and would not convey the message properly. 
Or maybe they just wanted to create a little bit of controversy; bad publicity is still publicity after all.
And Yes, 
you should love who you are no matter your size/shape/skin colour/other deformations you think you have but, 
you should also be healthy 
and yes,
 that means you should put down the junk food, eat more veggies, practice portion control, get some exercise and slowly work yourself to a healthy BMI.

I see more overweight women appearing being encouraged to be confident and embrace their figure these days than the thin(healthy) girls.

Thin girls are shammed into eating more and ‘for goodness sake, don’t lose an ounce or you’ll disappear completely’. 

Whoa, wait a minute while I choke down that burger you just told me to eat…..

When did thin become a bad word? 
All these years I thought being thin and fit was healthy, and now that’s bad too because people have to make something out to be the bad guy.
We are more than just Beautiful and I challenge everyone to put less effort into how you look and more into what you can do to make your life better!
Get some sleep
Eat well
And think about how lucky you are not to have predators trying to kill you, eat you and poop you out!
See? Life isn't so bad.

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