Thursday 25 April 2013

Dove Beauty Man

I am sure by now you have seen the Dove Beauty Sketch video....


It's pretty touching coming from a company that has profit in mind but, scripted or not, they make a fantastic point; We not only judge ourselves too harshly, but base too much of our worth on our looks.

Although I wouldn't be so self conscious of the bags under my eyes and thin upper lip if it weren't for that bratty girl in elementary school who's parents obviously forgot to teach manners didn't point it out to me in the first place to make her feel better about herself....................
(which I am refraining from ranting about, can you feel it?)

Looking at the comments on the video you see all sorts of positive feedback about how "Inspiring!!!" it is, how "Every girl should see this!" and of course there are negatives too, but I try to ignore those unless they strike a soft spot....

Now if you go to Dove's website you'll find much more personal videos, one of which stands out, the one with the man in it! 

The very last sentence  dear Gil Zamora speaks hits it all the way home for me.  
We are our own worst critic. 
A point that I am sure we are almost sick of hearing now because it is said so often.  
No one sees all of the ‘flaws’ you find, in fact, someone close to you probably thinks those are your best features. 
Don’t be so hung up on how you look; 
you have a lot more to offer the world than that pretty face of yours ;)

Now go show somebody how awesome you are and don't feel bad about it!

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