Monday 29 April 2013

NEW to India - Mood Skin!

Sorry Jazzy Little Drops, today is your day. 
I really am not trying to cut your opinions down, opinions are made to be discussed, and your post gave me lots to talk about.
Fast forward to the “PS” at the bottom of the article, the part about skin bleaching.

Funny thing about that is, here in the 
 part of the world we apply:

Tinted moisturizer
Spray tan
 Soak up sun
 Fake n’ bake

do all sort of other un-natural, un-healthy things to make our skin

In some Asian cultures (and probably other parts of the world) fair skin is seen as a sign of high status.
Is Unilever to blame for that too?

If it was up to me we would be running around in the forest naked, hairy,
(probably dirty/smelly, but no one would judge because they are too) 
and completely self-sustained! 
Money/worry free 
(except for watching out for something that might eat you *Circle of life*) 
and totally happy with who we are and accepting of one another. 
And probably thin due to only eating what you either grow or catch yourself. 
(would you look at that; hunting and gathering 
 the exercise program you've been waiting for!)

Go embrace something dirty,
That'll change you're skin colour!

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