Tuesday 11 June 2013

What love do you give?

Every relationship has its
and If you've ever loved any one at all
you should watch this.

So What level of love do you stay with the most?

I don't go handing my love out willy-nilly
to every being that crosses my path.

My love is something sacred
that I share with those
who have earned it.

Because of that,
I would say I'm mostly a #2
and not afraid to admit it.
If I love you
I'll give you anything any time,
I demand
to be treated with respect and kindness, loyalty, faithfulness, honesty, 
and very much important is:
 loving communication and time spent together 
where two people actually focus on relating to each other
with love and through love.

If I don't get that
Damn straight I'm giving you nothing but

bratty baby love.
Or none at all.

And to me, part of the respect for your relationship is
behaving like you have a special person 
waiting at home to share their love with you.
Even if it means holding back from playfully flirting and full body hugging your friends 
that you've had
longer than your current S.O.
If they are your friends, 
they should also respect that too.
You have someone to flirt and hug and dance and drink with already,
don't you?
And if you don't want to flirt and hug and dance and drink and do whatever makes you happy together
Why are you with them?

I ain't no Gandhi,
I'll give every being compassion and respect,
But my love is sacred.

I will strive to have Gandhi level love
with those I feel it for.

But I don't feel love for everyone.
one day,
I will experience something that will change that.
I welcome it with an open mind.
But that day hasn't come yet.

So what level of love do you stay with the most?


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