Monday 17 June 2013

The Life of Textiles

Most garments get one life.
One shot at it all!

If they get a stain early on in life
they are banished to the back of the closet

Not all hope is lost!

Some creative Canadians

(like me!)
Are giving second lives to lost clothes
and making
Eco Fashion World headlines!


Kendor Textiles

The Canadian source
of all of my technical and Eco-friendly fabrics
 for my athletic wear line!

Check it out

Here's to having a
longer life than
that thing you bought
that kinda fit and you thought would grown on you...
one day...


Simplicity is a Stone Throw away!

How does being busy
day in
day out
make you feel?
Happy, fulfilled, 

I'm talking about myself again...

I'm liking the simple approach,

Skipping rocks
Rainbow socks
What makes you happy?


Tuesday 11 June 2013

What love do you give?

Every relationship has its
and If you've ever loved any one at all
you should watch this.

So What level of love do you stay with the most?

I don't go handing my love out willy-nilly
to every being that crosses my path.

My love is something sacred
that I share with those
who have earned it.

Because of that,
I would say I'm mostly a #2
and not afraid to admit it.
If I love you
I'll give you anything any time,
I demand
to be treated with respect and kindness, loyalty, faithfulness, honesty, 
and very much important is:
 loving communication and time spent together 
where two people actually focus on relating to each other
with love and through love.

If I don't get that
Damn straight I'm giving you nothing but

bratty baby love.
Or none at all.

And to me, part of the respect for your relationship is
behaving like you have a special person 
waiting at home to share their love with you.
Even if it means holding back from playfully flirting and full body hugging your friends 
that you've had
longer than your current S.O.
If they are your friends, 
they should also respect that too.
You have someone to flirt and hug and dance and drink with already,
don't you?
And if you don't want to flirt and hug and dance and drink and do whatever makes you happy together
Why are you with them?

I ain't no Gandhi,
I'll give every being compassion and respect,
But my love is sacred.

I will strive to have Gandhi level love
with those I feel it for.

But I don't feel love for everyone.
one day,
I will experience something that will change that.
I welcome it with an open mind.
But that day hasn't come yet.

So what level of love do you stay with the most?


Sound Makes More Than a Booty Wiggle to the Beat

Does music make you wanna

I know it makes me want to dance!
Until the DJ/Producer/Music master mind
decides to change something
and all of a sudden,

No, not the music...
my movement...
Like somebody glued my shoes to the floor,
and I get all stiff and awkward
and violently elbow someone in a sensitive area
such as their face...

Here I thought,
it was just my inner metronome
being thrown off by 
a bad dance move,

but all of my dance moves are bad
so this must be the reason!

Pretty wickedly wavy experiment!
Get it?
(my sense of humor is almost as good as my dance moves)

If sound vibrations can change the movement of water,
what are sound vibrations doing to us?

The constant buzzing of sound the world is engulfed in must be effecting living and non-living things,
but is it bad?
or good?

What is it doing to our water?
What is it doing to our beings that live in the water?


Pretty Dirty Dress makes the news!

Pretty Dirty Dress made the news!!

What you see there is my first attempt at a press release,
I am almost an expert...
( not an expert...)
That loves constructive criticism and feedback, wink, wink....
So tell me what you think!


So Spy!

Need a new you?
A disguise?
How about doppelganger?

one couple
in the same pose and angle
9 different looks!!

I know that I can look like a 
'nice girl'
or a
Rock Star!!
Just by changing my clothes and makeup
but it is still
Surprising to see what a difference
styling and makeup
makes in how people see you.

Which shows how much we judge by looks 
doesn't it?


Monday 10 June 2013

A Skinny Girl's story

A lot of people,
Myself included,
seem to be going through a transition in life.

I have to admit,
without Facebook
I would have no idea what is going on in my
ol' high school friends lives.
It would appear a lot of people,
myself included
seem to be going through a transition in life.

And when I saw the story one of the
girls from high school wrote
I thought I would share it here
where I think I have made it clear,
isn't all it's been made out to be anymore.

"A skinny girls story"
Written from the heart and
through the talented fingers
Chelsea Hesketh

"I thought a lot about doing this piece for this group... 
But then thought against it 
until I told this idea to another member of this group 
who is also one of my best friends. 
And she was all for it and actually encouraged it. 
So here ya go.

Am I skinny?
Have I always been skinny?
Has weight been a factor that crosses my mind,
I am a female.
It is genetically impossible to look in a mirror and say;
"Gee, there is a big event coming up, I think I need to put on a couple pounds".
Unless you're Charlize Theron.

Have I ever felt socially accepted?
Have I always felt attractive and confident?
High school is hard enough on anyone who is different.

Not just different in what size you are,
but just for being different in general.

I graduated high school thinking
I was an inadequate, ugly, stupid piece of shit
incapable of fitting in anywhere
doing anything of value with my life.

I mean I was not only skinny,
but athletic as well,
and I was STILL picked last in Phys Ed.

Like seriously? 
However it has been coming up to 7 years since then,
my life has turned 180 degrees.
Completely different
 in a positive way.

But yes,
I do hold onto the same insecurities
that I had when I left high school.
I still care a little
too much
 of what people think of me.

I continually think people are talking about me
behind my back still
laughing or mocking me.

I still sometimes get stuff wrong in life
and wonder why I even thought I was good enough to try in the first place.

Sometimes when I've seen hot guys,
I think all they see is the ugly, awkward loser in me.

However saying that-
going to a bar, picking up the hottest guy there;
even though you know he's a douche-bag
is the best feeling ever! 

I'm posting this because I am friends-
best friends even, with bigger girls.
Because frankly, I have more in common with them.
They take life with a grain of salt as I do.
And every one of them has said something along the lines of:

"if only I was skinny"
"I don't get why you're insecure, you're fucking skinny!"

Well, I thought the same thing about all the clear-faced popular girls who looked down on me;

who also probably never spent a lunch hour alone.

In conclusion;

when going through a life change, 
the hardest part is changing yourself. 
Your mental blocks, 
habits that make 
 break you 
and prepare for a new you.
 Because as much as you think you won't change a bit, 
you will still grow and 
in time adapt to the changes that you made for yourself. 

I wish everyone the best in accomplishing your goals.
Thanks for reading.

While I was reading it,
I thought to myself
"hmmm was I one of the 'mean girls' here?"
because I know I can be mean
and have been mean
and laugh at people...

according to my man
(at least while im
I am apparently good at making people feel
(if you're not good at something get better at it, duh)
and it is something I am working on
and something I am constantly apologizing for
So I am apologizing again

If I ever make anyone feel inadequate
don't take it so personally,
I am working on not doing that.
And I am sorry.



I too got made fun of at school
and at home,
by my father...
and pinned down,
and tickled and pinched
and picked on
So when it happened to me in 'real life'
it was game time,
I was ready to defend myself!
and give offenders a taste of their own medicine...
and the first boy to try and kiss me a black eye....
which may be why I didn't have many dates...

Spin class your way to the top!

Well, not really,
But apparently bicyclists are way bad-ass-er 
business inspiration
than thought possible!

Maybe it's because they fall in that grey area
between car and pedestrian...

Maybe it's true...

The Rage of a Cyclist & the Calm of a Guru

Read it and 
throw yourself out there,
And develop a bad ass 
bi-cyclist attitude!


Sunday 9 June 2013


If only communication could be so straightforward......

As it can with a 2 year old...
Full grown man...

Check out 
For more giggles
